Your Trusted Partner
in Executive Search

Trusted Excellence

Why Choose Anton?

We pride ourselves on a seamless executive search experience that prioritizes honesty, transparency, and true partnership. With extensive expertise across various industries, we will find you the best leadership talent to drive your business forward.

Authentic Partnership

As a true business partner, we transparently share all information about the profiles we’ve reviewed and contacted, ensuring full alignment with your goals.

Market Mapping

We thoroughly map the market to identify all candidates who meet your criteria and proactively headhunt the best ones open to new opportunities, capturing top talent not actively looking at job boards.

Insights and Analysis

We assess your brand recognition, evaluate candidate sentiment in your industry, and provide insights on market compensation rates, informing and enhancing your hiring strategy.

Who We Partner With

Financial Services


Professional Services

Crown Corporations


Non-Profit Organizations

Who is Anton Consulting?

We strive to be true partners and strong representatives for our clients. Our mission is to provide exceptional recruitment services that foster lasting relationships built on trust and transparency.
We offer a broad range of recruitment services, from executive search to tech recruitment. Our flagship service is a unique semi-retained executive search model, with payments tied to milestones rather than time. We also provide traditional contingent recruitment services for more common roles, particularly in tech.
Integrity, transparency, and open communication define our approach. We set clear expectations and maintain regular, honest dialogue throughout the recruitment process. Our team led by James, an executive search veteran, and Jeffrey with nearly a decade in tech recruitment, brings extensive experience to every engagement.

Meet the Team

We are dedicated professionals committed to delivering exceptional recruitment solutions with honesty, transparency, and a true partnership approach. Discover the expertise and passion behind Anton Consulting.

James Cheng

James is an accomplished executive search recruiter with over 8 years of experience, specializing in senior leadership roles across various sectors. His commitment to excellence makes him a trusted partner for securing top-tier leadership talent.

Jeffrey Lee

Jeffrey is a seasoned technical recruiter with over 9 years of experience, excelling in placing roles from senior software developers to CTOs. Known for transparency and open communication, he delivers personalized, perfectly matched recruitment solutions.

Semi-Retained, The Best of Both Worlds

Our semi-retained approach ties retainers to milestones rather than time, ensuring we are fully committed to delivering results that align with your best interests.


Contingent Service

Suitable for general workforce
No market mapping


Anton Consulting


Milestone-based billing
Pay for results
True final fee reconciliation


Other Search Firms

Schedule-based billing
Pay regardless of results
Upward fee reconciliation only

*Total fees are calculated as a percentage of the estimated first-year cash compensation.

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